The Scent of Light
The Scent of Light
"If you will think of ourselves as coming out of the earth, rather than having been thrown in here from somewhere else, you see that we are the earth, we are the consciousness of the earth. These are the eyes of the earth. And this is the voice of the earth."
Joseph Campbell "The Power of Myth."
"Holy Mother Earth, the trees and all nature, are witnesses to your thoughts and deeds."
A Winnebago wise saying.
"..I am the murmur of leaves rustling.
I am the rays of the sun,
I am the beam of the moon and stars,
I am the power of trees growing,
I am the bud breaking into blossom…"
The Black Book of Carmarthen.
"When the fragrance of the I am He is upon the wind,
The bee of the heart finds the flower of its choice,
And nestles there, caring for no other thing."
Kabir (from Songs of Kabir)
"sitting quietly, doing nothing,
Spring comes, and the grass grows by itself."
Zenrin poem
"And then it struck me that we are all children of our Earth."
Aleksandr Aleksandrov, Russian Astronaught
"Delight is a secret. And the secret is this: to grow quiet and listen…"
Alan Mc Glashan (from The Savage and Beautiful Country.)
"Ah midsummer!
Ripening fruits, rich vines, evening perfume,
With the waxing moon clear and full.
How the old scholars understood the transience
Of all secluded moments!"
Loy Ching-Yuen "The Book of the Heart."