Tree of Life for my mother's dream.
Watercolour, 1985
The Key for Love.
Watercolour, 1985
They Sang it Through.
Watercolour, 1985
Mandala for Mill.
Watercolour, 1985
The Phoenix.
Watercolour, 1985
Doorway in Provence.
Watercolour, 1985
The Golden Heart.
Watercolour, 1985
The Djinn.
Watercolour, 1986
Watercolour, 1986
Fallen Angel.
Watercolour, 1986
Watercolour, 1987
Palace by the lake.
Watercolour, 1988
The Wild Way.
Watercolour, 1988
Cloud Lake.
Watercolour, 1988
Fire and Flight.
Watercolour, 1988
Drink to One Love.
Watercolour, 1989
Watercolour, 1989
A shooting Star.
Watercolour, 1989
The Swing.
Watercolour, 1989
Moonlight Moccas.
Watercolour, 1989
Autumn Moccas.
Watercolour, 1989
Mandala for Moccas.
Watercolour, 1989
The Green Man.
Watercolour, 1989
The Old Brook.
Watercolour, 1990
Moonlit Orchard.
Watercolour, 1990
The Long Hill Slope.
Watercolour, 1990
February Tree, Moccas.
Watercolour, 1990
A Sudden Smile.
Watercolour, 1990
Sunflower Angel.
Watercolour, 1990
Watercolour, 1991
Temple in Sikkim.
Watercolour, 1992
Egg Tempera with gold leaf, 1992
The Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche.
Watercolour, 1992
Gentle Protector (The Third Jamgon Kongtrul Rinpoche).
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1992
Dark Mountains (Sikkim).
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1992
The Sleeper.
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1992
The Hare and the Snake.
Egg tempera with gold leaf, 1992
The Teacher.
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1992
Lotus for the mountains.
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1993
Mandala for Tibet.
Watercolour, 1993
The Strange Ecstasy.
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1994
In the Mountains.
Watercolour with gold leaf, 1994
Your Prayers circled me.
Watercolour, 1994
Dissolving into a dream of light.
Watercolour, 1995
The Old Orchard.
Watercolour, 1995
A Gift for Sherap.
Watercolour, 1995