
tibetan photographer

Portraits of Tibet

Diane's new book showcases some of her work in capturing the essence of nomadic life in Tibet.

The book is now available - click on the image above to visit the site's Books Page for more information.

New Article

tibetan photographer

Impermanent and Eternal | Portraits of Tibet

It has been (and continues to be) a joy to be allowed to record the lives of the remarkable people of Tibet. A kind of photo-driven love letter to what could be a dying way of life. The experience of hanging out with families in their black yak hair tents has been both down to earth and profound, awakening some ancient memory inside me.

To read this article click on the image above to visit the Kosmos Community website.

Radio Interviews

tibetan photographer

Radio Interview: BBC Woman's Hour - My Best Day

On 13th September 2019, Diane was featured on the BBC's iconic radio programme, Woman's Hour. The piece was entitled "My Best Day" and was in response to a request for listeners to select a photograph that 'captured them at their best'.

Diane's offering was the image shown above, which she feels epitomises her travels around Tibet, and the many friends that she has there.

To listen to the interview, click on the image above, or go to the BBC Sounds App and search for Diane Barker. You might want to fast-forward 26 minutes into the program, which is where Diane's contribution begins.

Photo Stories

tibetan photographer

The Spritual Ecology of Nomads

tibetan photographer

In Search of the Black Tents

DROKPA: The Nomadic Mountain People of Tibet

Global Oneness Project

tibetan photographer

Dragons, Drokpa and a Drukpa Kargyu Master

Guardians of the Sacred in Tibet

One Hundred and Eleven Trees

Guardians of the Sacred in Tibet

Visions of Spiritual Ecology

Epping Forest

The Understory by Robert Macfarlane

People of the Solitudes

People of the Solitudes

Spirits, Rituals and Festivals of the Drokpas

Spirits, Rituals and Festivals of the Drokpas

Guardians of the Sacred in Tibet

Guardians of the Sacred in Tibet